Federal Programs Overview
The mission of Federal Programs is ​to provide technical assistance, program monitoring and resources to local educational agencies (LEA) to ensure that all children have an opportunity to obtain a high quality education and to achieve proficiency on the state's high academic achievement standards.​
Federal Program Director
Mrs. Tonya Perkins
Email: tperkins@terrell.k12.ga.us
Terrell County Board of Education
761 1st Avenue SE, Dawson Georgia 39842
Office: Room 102 - Parent Resource Center
Phone: (229) 995-4096
Fax: (229) 995-5321
Hours:  8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Title Programs
Title I, Part A - Improving the Academic Achievement of the Disadvantaged
Title I, Part A - Academic Achievement Programs
Title I, Part A - Foster Care Provisions
Title I, Part A - Family-School Partnership Program
Title I, Part C - Education of Migratory Children
Title I, Part D - Neglected and Delinquent Children
Title I Parent Input
Parental engagement is a vital part of the Title I program.
Parents are encouraged to become partners in helping their children achieve and become actively involved in all aspects of the process of the Title I program, from the writing of the plan to its implementation and evaluation.
Your valuable input is valued at Terrell County Charter School System. Please take a few minutes to let us know your opinion. 

Terrell County School System District Parent Engagement Policy/Plan
  • 1% Set-Aside for parent and family engagement activities (located in the District Parent Engagement Policy/Plan)
  • Building Staff Capacity with assistance of parents (located in the District Parent Engagement Policy/Plan
Addendum Statement to the TCCSS District Parent Engagement Policy/Plan
Terrell County Parent Engagement Policy-Plan

Addendum Statement to the TCCSS District Parent Engagement Policy/Plan
Terrell County Parent Engagement Policy-Plan Spanish

Please click the link below to provide your input/feedback.  Thanks for your time.  
Title I Parent Input
Title I Input Spanish
Title II, Part A - Supporting Effective Instruction Grant

Title II, Part D - Enhancing Education Through Technology

The Enhancing Education Through Technology program provides funds for innovative initiatives to support integration of education technology into classrooms to improve teaching and learning.
Language Instruction for Limited English Proficient (LEP) and Immigrant Students
The Language Instruction for Limited English Proficient (LEP) and Immigrant Students program provides resources for helping LEP students attain English proficiency and meet the same challenging State academic standards required for all students.  Terrell County School System are part of a consortium of schools supported by the Southwest Georgia RESA/Georgia Department of Education Title III, Part A Program...

English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) is a state-funded instructional program for eligible English Learners (ELs) in grades K-12 (Georgia School Law Code 1981, § 20-2-156, enacted in 1985). The ESOL program is a standards-based curriculum emphasizing academic and social language proficiency. ESOL coursework is based upon the WIDA Consortium English Language Proficiency (ELP) standards. Classroom teachers integrate these ELD standards with the Georgia Performance Standards to enable ELs to both communicate in English and demonstrate their academic, social, and cultural proficiency. Instructional approaches, both in ESOL and general education classes, ensure that the needs of Georgia's ELs are accommodated. To the extent practicable, it is appropriate to use the EL's home language as a means of facilitating instruction and providing parents with school-related information.

Title III is a federally-funded program that provides eligible Local Education Agencies with funding to supplement those ESOL services already in place. School districts with large EL populations receive direct Title III allocations, while school districts with lower incidence populations are grouped into the "Georgia Title III Consortium". The Title III Consortium allows these "low-incidence" districts to access Title III funds typically available only to districts with greater numbers of ELs. Both ESOL and Title III hold students accountable for progress in, and attainment of, English language proficiency. Upon attainment of English language proficiency, students exit from supplemental language services.
More Resources...

Title V, Part B - Rural Education Initiative

Purpose of the Rural Education Initiative

The Rural Education Initiative is designed to assist rural school districts in using Federal resources more effectively to improve the quality of instruction and student academic achievement. It consists of two separate programs – the Small, Rural School Achievement (SRSA) program and the Rural and Low-Income Schools (RLIS) program.
The SRSA program is a rural school initiative with two components –
  • Rural Flexibility – the Alternative Use of Funds Authority
    • Rural Flexibility provides eligible local educational agencies (LEAs) with greater flexibility in using the formula grant funds that they receive under certain State-administered Federal programs. This portion of the SRSA program is not a grant program and does not provide LEAs with funding.
  • The SRSA grant program
    • LEAs eligible to participate in REAP-Flex are also eligible for a grant under the SRSA grant program. The US Department of Education awards SRSA funds directly to eligible LEAs on a formula basis.

The RLIS program is an initiative that provides grant funds to rural LEAs that serve concentrations of children from low-income families. Under the RLIS program, the U.S. Department of Education awards funds by formula to State Education Agencies (SEAs) to provide subgrants to eligible LEAs to support a range of authorized activities to support student achievement in order to meet the State’s definition of adequate yearly progress.

An LEA that is eligible to participate in the SRSA program may not receive funding under the RLIS program.
Title IX, Part A-Mckinney-Vento Education for Homeless Children & Youth
Homeless Liaison
Tonya Clay Perkins
Terrell County Charter School System
(229) 995-4096
761 1st Avenue, Dawson, Georgia 39842

Title IX, Part A – McKinney-Vento Education for Homeless Children and Youth

McKinney Vento Program logo

The McKinney-Vento Education for Homeless Children and Youth program is designed to address the problems that homeless children and youth have faced in enrolling, attending, and succeeding in school. Under this program, State educational agencies must ensure that each homeless child and youth has equal access to the same free, appropriate public education, including a public preschool education, as other children and youth.

Homeless children and youth must have access to the educational and other services that they need to enable them to meet the same challenging State student academic achievement standards to which all students are held. In addition, homeless students may not be separated from the mainstream school environment.

States and districts are required to review and undertake steps to revise laws, regulations, practices, or policies that may act as a barrier to the enrollment, attendance, or success in school of homeless children and youth. ​​​​​​